Monday, May 25, 2009

So, it's been a while since I last make a post. Katies parents have come and gone, and are yet to come again, work for me has slowed to a near halt, giving me time with Katie and Eden, and Eden has started to have some belly problems resulting in much crying and crabbiness as well as much much much much spitting up.... We've been staining baby clothes like crazy. All in all parenthood is awesome!!! :) Here are a few baby pictures to make you smile...
Cookie Monster!!!!!! fitting for life in this house


  1. My mom buys SHOUT by the gallon at Sam's Club. It works like a charm most of the time.

  2. Hopefully she does not have Hyperactive Gag. That is what Sofia had an it is a handful. We will be praying that things calm down. She is beautiful!

  3. So excited to have just found your blog (thanks, Tessa)!!
